

João Pedro Gouveia

Investigador Doutorado

Centro de Investigação

CENSE- Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Research


João Pedro Gouveia holds Ph.D. in Climate Change, and Sustainable Development Policies focused on Sustainable Energy Systems from NOVA School of Science and Technology of NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT-NOVA, PT). He is the head of the FireFly Energy Lab and Senior Researcher at the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research (CENSE). He is an invited professor at FCT NOVA University of Lisbon on climate change mitigation and adaptation and sustainable urban planning. He is the principal investigator of multiple national and international projects, policy support studies, and consultancy work on buildings' energy efficiency, energy poverty, sustainable cities, and climate change. João Pedro is part of the Coordination team of EPAH - EU Energy Poverty Advisory Hub and was formerly on the Management Committee of EU COST Action on Energy Poverty (ENGAGER) (2017-2022). He is a recognized international expert in his research area, having an advisory role on 4 EU projects and participating in various academic MSc and PhD juries.
João has authored over 40 peer-reviewed articles in high-impact factor international journals with over 2200 citations and has contributed to presentations at over 100 national and international conferences and events, from which he has been an invited speaker/keynote to more than 50. He was a Senior Research Fellow for energy systems at Project Drawdown (USA) (2016-2020), founder and former Board Member of DERA - Drawdown Europe Research Association (2019-2022) and APEEN - Portuguese Association for Energy Economics (2015) where is currently part of the board.

Before his Ph.D., he completed his master's degree in Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at NOVA University of Lisbon, where he also completed his bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering.


