

Tomás Ramos

Professor Catedrático

Centro de Investigação

CENSE – Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research


Tomás B. Ramos é Professor de Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica e Planeamento da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, e investigador do CENSE, Centro de Investigação em Ambiente e Sustentabilidade. Doutorado em Engenharia do Ambiente, realiza investigação em avaliação da sustentabilidade e indicadores, incluindo avaliação de impactes, envolvimento das partes interessadas, relatórios e gestão da sustentabilidade organizacional. É Editor Associado do Journal of Cleaner Production, e membro do corpo editorial das revistas cientificas Sustainable Development, Business Strategy and Development, Heliyon, e Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. É também um dos diretores da International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS).



Tomás B. Ramos is Professor of Strategic Environmental Assessment and Planning at NOVA University Lisbon, School of Science and Technology, and senior researcher at CENSE, Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research. He holds a PhD on Environmental Engineering and his research activity is focused on sustainability assessment and indicators, including impact assessment, stakeholder engagement, organisational performance management and reporting. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Cleaner Production and member of the Editorial Board of the journals Sustainable Development, Business Strategy and Development, Heliyon, and Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. He is also member of the Board of Directors of the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS).


